Apple just announced its next generation iPhone. Available in 16GB and 32 GB, the new iPhone dubbed 3GS or 3G(S), with the S probably referring to speed in 3G rate of 7.2mbps. It will be available June 19 in the US at $199 and $299, for the 16GB and 32 GB respectively. Apart from the iPhone OS 3.0 that is now available in Gold Master release to developers there are a couple of new of features. There is the 3megapixel camera with auto-focus and video recording at 30 fps with audio. There is a built in video editor application good for quick edits before sending MMS or uploading videos at YouTube. anoother addition is the Compass which makes it easier for those who use maps for geo-location. It also has voice control and now comes with Nike+ ipod support similar to the iPod Touch. The new Iphone with its OS 3.0 now also has Spotlight, Vloice Memos, MMS Support, Cut-Copy-Paste, Undo and Teethering.
Sony MDR-NC300D
Sony latest noise cancelling earbuds boast of in-line noise cancelling module with three separate modes: general mode, airplane mode and one for trains/buses etc. Sony states that these latest earphones will eliminate 99 percent of undesired noise. It only requires one AA cell capable of providing 20 hrs. of noise suppression.
Sony MDR-NC300D
Sony latest noise cancelling earbuds boast of in-line noise cancelling module with three separate modes: general mode, airplane mode and one for trains/buses etc. Sony states that these latest earphones will eliminate 99 percent of undesired noise. It only requires one AA cell capable of providing 20 hrs. of noise suppression.
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