Sony recently unveiled its new entry into in the VAIO series, the NW, complete with a Blu-ray drive. It has a 15.5 inch WXGA display with XBRITE, 2 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo P7350, ATI Mobility Radeon HD4570 with 512 VRAM, 4x BD - ROM drive, 4GB of DDR2 RAM, a webcam, 400 GB HDD and a li-ion battery with 5.5 hrs in large capacity. It has VGA and HDMI output and Memory Stick Pro, Expresscard and SD card slots.
Before owning a computer was considered as a luxury, only for the rich in other words not a necessity. That may be true several years ago, but now the computer is part of our everyday life. Companies use computers to help them make their business run more efficiently. Almost all kind of profession are now using computers. Like lawyers for example, they now use computers in their legal research which have made their work much easier as compared before when they have to browse on volumes of books. Students used computers in their studies and research.
People from all walks of life are using computers. Many homes now have computers. Many new kind of business have sprouted due to the great demand for the use of computers such as internet cafes. The evolution of science and technology was brought about thru the help of computers. I would say that computers has helped us a lot in so many ways. It has changed our way of life in a great way.
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